Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Truth, Lies and Distance

They Lie!

25 metres.  Hah!  Well I haven't actually asked anyone yet, but Google Earth confirms my suspicions.  The pool is 25m, but since they set up the ropes across the pool for more lanes the configured direction is 25 yards (22.86 metres).

Thus, all the swimming I have done so far hasn't been quite as far as I had thought and each length is a little over 2 metres shorter.  So, when I thought I was doing 1600 metres I was only doing 1463 metres.  So tonight I swam 70x22.86m for a total of 1600.2 metres.  I started at 5:21pm finishing about 5:51pm. 30 minutes for 1.6km, which is still a bit faster that I think I should be able to do. Perhaps my dubious tumble turns are better quality than I am giving them credit for.

I cannot really be bothered calculating the reduction in distance for all my previous swims, so I will leave that as an exercise for the reader.

I need to look at wetsuits soon, because there is no way I am getting into San Francisco Bay without a very very good (warm) wetsuit... I have never worn a wetsuit for anything other than water skiing, so that is going to be an experience in itself. I should probably try to find time to practice in it.

I ran for the first time at PT today. A few (10 to 12) short sprints.  I felt pretty good, but accelerating felt slow and ponderous. "Top" speed felt slow and decelerating felt good.  All in all it was pretty encouraging except for the pain in my MCL region when doing some lateral (side-to-side) work.  However, in retrospect, this is probably just because I haven't gone side-to-side for about 6 months and it is resenting returning to work.

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